27/08/2014 - North Greece / Southern Macedonia
After hiding in some trees at the side of the road, I waited for the mystery man to pass me before setting up my trusty hammock with the red light on my head torch to void attracting any unwanted attention from passing traffic.
Fucking love stuffed vine leaves! Very Greek and very good! |
Bananas and almonds. Yes! |
Packed up and ready to push my bike back on to the road |
What's this? Photography is forbidden? |
Ah, a Greek military base |
Crossing the boarder
There was duty free also. pretty much the same shit you find in any duty free. |
First impressions. It might be worth noting that Greece and Macedonia are not the best of friends and this is the boarder they share...
Tourist Information, locked, someone is clearly sleeping in the doorway... |
Another reason to come to Macedonia from Greece is the casinos on the boarder, tax free winnings! This may explain why there are so many rather untrustworthy looking people around. Its amazing how much everything changes when you cross a border. the language, the shape of peoples faces and of course the currency.
You probably noticed that I'm repairing another puncture... This keeps happening! Either it is my cheap tires or I am just carrying far too much weight! If you are planning to do something like this pack light and get good tires or you are going to be repairing punctures the whole way.
Macedonian Denars (MKD) |
€1 = 61 MKD, 500 MKD = €8
£1 = 77 MKD, 500 MKD = £6.50
A loaf of bread is about 30MKD and a beer in a bar, ~150 MKD
The road
Motorway, luckily I had the hard shoulder all to myself. I sang most of the way. |
Super cool old cars
A petrol station on the main motor way. |
Its here I bought some Rakia from an old man selling figs. Its a 40 - 60% proof spirit made from grape skins... I like to think of it as Balkan Whiskey!
Skopje! Only 124 km to go! |
As it started to get dark I Climbed down the side of the motor way, jumped through bushes and ran along dirt paths to find a camping spot by the river. At one point a tractor came behind me, my instant reaction was to dive into the bushes and hide! Nettles, thorns, I found it all... Finally, hammock set up and mosquito replant applied I went to sleep.
My tree had few of these little guys on it. Some kind of silver fish I suspect. Check out those eyes! |
55.2 km
Boarder between Greece and Macedonia crossed.
Click image to enlarge |
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